Thursday, 24 December 2020

Are Dental Implants Recommended for Elderly?

It is not uncommon to lose teeth with progressing age. Missing teeth or loose dentures have a severe impact on social interaction and food habits among the elders. Nobody is too old to have dentures unless they are reasonably healthy. Implants are equally successful in elderly people or any patients with reduced bone density as today there are various bone-sparing medications and bone grafting techniques which are proved to be very effective to achieve the desired bone health. This way implants can be placed safely and predictably in any individual, irrespective of their age to improve their quality of life.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Tooth replacement is as good as your natural tooth
  • They are self supporting and fixed to the jaw like tooth root
  • Long lasting in well maintained mouth
  • Promotes bone cell growth

Why are Implants recommended over dentures for elders?

  • Unlike dentures, implants does not take up much space in the mouth and you can fully relish the taste of your meals
  • Implants are more stable and there is no chipping or cracking
  • There is no irritation to the gums from implants
  • Dentures must be replaced once in while but well maintained implants can last lifelong
  • Dentures need to be soaked in water while with implants you can brush your teeth normally
  • Prolonged use of dentures can irreversibly damage gums and the supporting jaw bone but with dentures the bone health improves over time.

In the hands of an expert implantologist, implant placement is a minimally invasive and gentle procedure. Dental implants do not have an age limit, so do not delay asking for a trouble free  replacement for your missing teeth with dental implants.

Blog reviewed By: Dr. Sudhakara Reddy
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Monday, 21 September 2020

Do dental implant treatments hurt?

Dental implants are surgical procedures where the roots of teeth are replaced with metal, usually Titanium, screw-like posts, and then the damaged or missing teeth are replaced with artificial ones, placed and secured on top of these posts.

But, are they painful?

For most patients, it is no more than what occurs during tooth extraction, often less. Whatever pain there is, will generally be treated with a local anaesthetic. 

Often, it is the steps that may have to be taken before that cause the most discomfort. There may be times when the bone volume may have to be increased with bone grafting; a sinus lift may have to be done to move the sinus membrane upward to make room for the bone, or teeth may have to be removed. Or, none of this may be necessary, and it may be quite straightforward.

Grafting is done under local anaesthesia and afterwards, ordinary pain and anti-inflammatory medication is all that would be necessary. Sinus lifting, however, takes longer and is done under sedation. There may be a dull ache in the upper jaw bone, the face and in the nose, and pain medication, antibiotics, anti-congestion and anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed.

The actual implant surgery is done under local anaesthetic and would cause very little or no discomfort at all. There may be mild pain 2-4 hours later and the gums may ache too. The patient may have to wear a healing cap to promote soft and hard tissue healing around the implant, and in some, it may cause irritation.

An implant is an invasive procedure and pain and soreness is the body’s natural response and it usually does not last more than 3 days. And, all being well, there should be no pain after 2 weeks.

Aftercare is important and there are some things a patient can do in general like: go to a trained, experienced dentist; not exercising; if already on some medication, inform the dentist of it; take prescribed medication properly; keep your mouth clean by brushing and using non-alcoholic mouthwash; eat soft food rich in nutrients to help speed up healing; absolutely avoid tobacco and alcohol and last but not the least, get lots of sleep, at least 8 hours every night.

Blog reviewed By: Dr. Sudhakara Reddy
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Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Do dental implants require maintenance?

A dental implant is a surgical component, usually made of titanium, that connects the bone of the jaw with the artificial teeth or crown that replaces the lost natural teeth. 

The dental implants are of 3 parts; the titanium implant, the artificial teeth that go on top of the implant and natural jaw bone into which both are implanted. 

Titanium is one of the strongest and durable materials known to humans and would require the least or no maintenance at all. It is the other two and surrounding areas that could require regular maintenance. This can be:

Professional Maintenance:

The professional checkup should be done periodically (once in 6 months) to prevent a buildup of plaque and/or infection-causing bacteria in and around the threads of the implant and the surrounding gum tissue. If required, regular scaling for natural teeth and special method cleaning with plastic scaler tips/special scaler tips for implant area using sonic or ultrasonic techniques, the dentist cleans the surface of the teeth and the gumline. Alignment and implant condition is also checked. 

Personnel / @Home Maintenance:

Treat your implants as you would your natural teeth. Brush, floss and use a non-alcoholic mouthwash regularly. 

Manual, sonic or electric brushes? Though sonic or electric brushes are more consistent in their action, it does not matter what you choose. What is important is how it feels to use, how easy it is to use and it must be soft bristled. And, you must brush daily without fail.

This is a physical process where a thin thread is used to remove food and plaque from between teeth in places where brushes cannot reach. This is not something that is popular in India.

Water Flossing / Oral Irrigation and Mouthwash: 
Here pulses of high-pressure water are used to remove plaque and food particles. Followed by a rinse of antimicrobial nonalcoholic mouthwash. 

Implant Care and Maintenance:

Improper cleaning and maintenance can cause bleeding around the implant leading to infection, bone loss, requiring removal of the implant and even bone graft. Immediately after the procedure, do exactly as the dentist instructs. Brush, floss, rinse should become second nature. Change your diet to include non-acidic, softer food and nutrient-rich drinks. Schedule dental checkups every six months or less.

So, Yes! The implants do require care and maintenance. Maybe, just a little more than your normal teeth.

Blog reviewed By: Dr. Sudhakara Reddy
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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Can dental implants happen twice? Or, more accurately, will dental implants have to be repeated

A dental implant is a surgical component, a replacement root for teeth, usually made of titanium, which connects the bone of the skull or jaw, to the prosthesis that the patient may require. They are in the form of a screw with either a rough or smooth surface. Though titanium is most common, ceramic implants are also available.

 Dental Implant

While dental implants, in general, have very high success rates, there are cases where they may have to be replaced. Failures also happen usually in the first year after implant.

Following are some common possibilities:
  1. Loosened Dental Crown: Crown is a cap or cover put over a tooth that is damaged or weakened. This is not serious, but the crown may have to be tightened or replaced.
  2. Bone Loss: Poor bone quality or quantity could lead to failure of osseointegration, the direct interface between the implant and bone, further leading to implant failure.
  3. Overheating, contamination, and trauma during surgery is another cause.
  4. Bacterial infection: these affect the implants just as much as the normal teeth. So, when any other cause pushes the implant into the failure path, these bacteria worsen the situation by causing infection in the area.
  5. Failure of Angiogenesis: the formation of new blood vessels is called angiogenesis. As the implant and its surface are non-organic, the supply of blood to these areas is problematic. Hence, when insufficient new blood vessels form, the likelihood of implant failure increases.
  6. When an implant causes clinical symptoms like severe and recurring pain, facial mobility, it may be considered defective and may have to be replaced or reimplanted.
 Dental Implant

Here, it must be noted that, relative to initial implants, replacement implants have a smaller success rate. Above all that, the patient may have to go through additional hard and soft tissue graft; teeth crowns may need a replacement; longer time to heal and last but not the least, more financial costs.

Blog reviewed By: Dr. Sudhakara Reddy
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Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Digital Smile Design: Technology in Dentistry

Do you know the simple act of smiling can help you to experience the actual happiness, joy, or amusement? Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry, and it is a great help to people who are dealing with depression and anxiety.

However, having unattractive, crooked, yellowish, or missing teeth can pull you back from delivering a beautiful smile. At some point in life, you might wish for a beautiful smile like others. Here is some happy news for you. Smile design can make your dream of having a flawless and confident smile, true.

What is a smile design?

A digital smile design is a technology used for managing the shapes, contours, and color of the teeth. This helps to correct your teeth and facial composition and improves your appearance and smile. The process of smile design includes the evaluation and analysis of both facial and dental composition. This can help the expert to straighten the misaligned teeth, closing gaps, repairing the chipped or cracked teeth changing the shape of the teeth, and whitening your teeth. By including your facial aesthetics and other important aspects, the expert will create a more realistic model of your dental and facial composition, that you can expect from the treatment.

Experts of Dental Implant Studio, with the help of most advanced technology, can design the perfect smile you wish.

Digital Smile Design Technology

Intraoral scanner with CAD/CAM

Dental Implant Studio uses an intraoral scanner to get the perfect digital impressions of your dental and facial composition. This is a high definition 3D scanning device, which can give 3 Dimensional models of a patient's teeth. These digital impressions are then sent to the CAD/CAM to manufacture dental devices more precisely. CAD/CAM is a specially designed device and application for designing and manufacturing custom made dental crowns or specific zirconium-based esthetic crowns/veneers or a patient-specific dental device, with the help of an Intraoral scanner or computer.  

This procedure is a time-saver, as the overall process takes only a few minutes, and the patient could receive the prosthetic within a day.

If you are concerned about your smile and are in search of a perfect place to depend on, happy news, Your search is over. Book an appointment at Dental Implant Studio and get your beautiful smile back.

Blog reviewed By: Dr. Sudhakara Reddy
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